Napoleon's Moscow
One Evening at Moscow we took a short drive out on the road by which Napoleon entered the City. There is an Eminence at a short distance from the City, which [27] would shut out the view of Moscow from one approaching it from the opposite side. Was this that the great personification of Ambition, of good & bad deeds, after leading his weary soldiers through the snows of Russia, harassed on all sides by the waiting Cossacks, first saw the end of his journey, and how taking up a handful of the Earth, turned to his followers and cheered them wit the words which in his mouth seemed almost equivalent to Victory “Voici la terre de Moscou.” A few days afterwards and this great army left the place of their destination, a broken band and Napoleon wended his way to Paris, his confidence in his Omnipotence somewhat reduced from the place where he put it----
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