Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dinglinger's Masterpiece

Johann Melchior Dinglinger (1664-1731),
The Birthday of the Grand Mogul Aurangzeb

The curious part of the collection consisted of many pieces of work by a German artist one Dinglinger, which in execution surpassed any thing I ever dreamed of. For instance one piece was a view of the throne and attendance of the Great Mogul. There are more than 100 figures in the scene all of gold enameled, and each having a distinct expression, Slaves Ambassadors with presents and all things attendant on such an occasion admirably portrayed. Caricatures of people living at the time things were made our admirably executed in precious stones, brilliant pearls &c.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The "Green Vaults"

My next visit was to the Treasury, or as they are here called “the Green Vaults,” containing immense riches, and so arranged that the succeeding room should be richer than the preceding.  The diamonds in one or two of the rooms surpassed in size any thing I ever saw.  There were several setts of Buttons, collars bracelets, &c. Enormous. A collar of brilliant stile worn on State occasions by the Queen I may safely say was composed of stones each large as a small hickory nut. 
The Dresden Green Diamond in the hat clasp ornament